First things first...Happy Birthday to my baby sister (Love you scampers :o) and Detective Carlton Lassiter (aka Lassie)!!
Now on to the blogging....
We have blown past the midway point of 2010 so it's time for the annual New Year Resolution review.
My twenty-ten resolutions were:
1. Move out of my parents house
2. Reach my goal weight by my 25th birthday
3. Write my novel
4. Save more, Spend less
The half way review is:
1. Check!! Holla!!
2. Just turned 24 so I've still got time but I am well on my way.
3. Working on it, not going as well as I would like, however I am planning on taking a creative writing class this fall.
4. Yeeaaah about that....
So far so good, high fives all around.
I'd like to introduce you all to Cory Pete and Eric Pete.
I found these two little guys lying on the ground out by my office's parking lot. The nest was in pieces next to them. I wrapped them in a towel, placed them in a box and took them to a wild life rescue. As of a few days ago they were healthy and happy at their new home. And yes they are squirrels. Save the baby squirrels!!!
Book Nook
Jealousy (Strange Angels #3) by Lilith Saintcrow Released TODAY!!
(Review to follow)
Well I leave for a 3 day weekend at the shore in 6 hours so unfortunately I must get back to work, until tomorrow stay squirrely my friends :o)
Currently Reading: Jealousy (Strange Angels #3) by Lilith Saintcrow (Duuuh)
Current Obsessions: Sonic Cranberry Limeades (mmmmm mmm mm), Veronica Mars, and (Definitely check out Mike the Bookseller, this was my life when I worked at B&N)
Inspiration: "I married a moose...we don't need counseling." Plays with Squirrels (aka Eric Matthews)
Joyful Tunes: Preston & Steve on 93.3 WMMR (Rocks!!)